Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First Easter

Easter seems to be Aubrey's holiday. She was all smiles as she wore her bunny ears, loved wearing her Easter dress, and was very taken with all the colorful plastic eggs.  Happy First Easter!


It was exciting to have Aubrey join us as we dyed Easter eggs this year.  She sat on the table, watching and babbling away -we only wish we knew what she was saying!  She seemed particularly impressed with the pink dye, and gave us a big grin when we monogrammed one for her.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4 months old

Aubrey, its hard to believe you are already 4 months old!  Your such a sweet, smiley, loving little girl.  All anyone has to do is look at you for you to break into your beautiful, big, gummy smile -and anyone who sees that smile can't help but break into a big grin too.  You are already so curious -reaching and grabbing for everything around you. You can't seem to get enough of your brother, and will talk baby talk to him like no-one else...I can't wait to eventually hear the conversations between you two.  Bean loves to plant big kisses on you, almost always catching you by surprise.  We are so lucky to have you.

St. Patty's Day

We celebrated St. Patrick's day a couple times over this year -First we went to a party at Charlotte and Cooper's, where Harlowe and Sloane's dad made a delicious corned beef.  We noshed on various other green goodies and had a fun time.  Then it was off to Grandma's in the morning for brunch, where we thought she might have made corned beef has, but instead she served green bagels!