Sunday, May 27, 2012

Then and Now

Aubrey at 4.5 weeks, and now at 5.5 months....

Just Swinging

Until now, Aubrey hasn't been one for the swing.  Looks like things have changed! 

Mother's Day

We went out to Islip Beach to celebrate mother's day with Grandma, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Keith.  We had a wonderful picnic by the bay, and then lots of fun sitting in the sunshine, digging in the sand and fun on the playground.  Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Say "Carrots"

Another carrot dinner proved to be good enough for pictures -Grahm thought his little sisters messy face needed to be remembered!

Sleeping Beauty

Bouncing to the Beat

Grahm decided that he and Dad should serenade Aubrey while she bounced today.  The entertainment proved to be too good, and the bouncer instead became the perfect front row seat to just take it all in. 

Look a likes

Rasberries all around

Aubrey in all her chubby deliciousness is just perfect for receiving rasberries -her brother and dad are more than happy to dole them out.

Daddy's Girl

Caught Aubrey and her Daddy catching a nap together, pretty cute.

Little Playdate

Aubrey had a playdate with her friend Mac today -so nice to see her playing with someone her own size for once! 

Stopping to smell the flowers

Aubrey went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens today where she got to experience the cherry blossoms in all their glory.  Aubrey looked like she was dancing on pink clouds with her hands full of cotton candy as we held her high in the trees -I don't think she would have been any more delighted had that been the case.  One of my favorite moments with her ever.

Orange you glad

Aubrey is finally getting her puree on, yum.  We think she may be a budding fashionista -she somehow had us coordinate her outfit with her dinner!


One of Grahm's friends celebrated their birthday at our place and left behind a balloon -Aubrey could not keep her eyes, and eventually her hands and mouth off of it.  It's the simple things in life....

Funny Girl

Whatta Face! 

the fruit loops

Aubrey has started eating real food, and as you can see by this video of her eating a banana, she digs it!  We are trying to catch all these milestones, just like we did for Grahm when he was conquering babyhood -the only difference is somehow Aubrey always seems to end up sharing the moment with her big brother.  It's a good thing she loves him so much!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Baby loves Baby

Aubrey loves her baby doll.  We can't decide if it is because it looks like her, or it taste good?  But she loves it.